The Bachelorette: Men Tell All Watch Party Workout
Normally, Monday nights consist of Bachelor Nation fans drinking copious amounts of wine while fans across America judge the embarrassing contestants and their utterly ridiculous antics. This week though, we’re giving you a healthier option and an excuse to get your workout in! Don’t worry… there is still wine involved.
Bachelorette Men Tell All Workout:
1. Every time the show Kaitlyn making out with someone: 10 crunches
2. Every time Shawn refers to Nick as “The Other Guy”: 10 seconds of stir the pots
3. Every time they say “Rose” – 5 squats to over head presses
4. Every time someone says “right reasons” - 5 Single-Leg Dumbell rows each side.
5. Chris Harrison laughs at something that isn't funny – 10 push ups
6. A shot of the in-studio audience includes either A) the overly disapproving face of a woman or B) any man – 10 jumping jacks
7. One of the unknown guys who got dumped really early starts talking and trying way too hard to have a personality before it's too late – 10 curtsy lunges each side.
8. You see abs – 20 cross over crunches
9. A moment is described as "one of the most [EXAGGERATED SUPERLATIVE ADJECTIVE] Bachelorette moments ever!" – 10 tricep dips on the couch
10. Bros high-five, fist pump or embrace – 10 Supermans
11. Ben Z. mentions his mom – 10 Mountain-Climbers
12. They call Chris the Dentist “Cupcake” – 10 pushups
13. Ian mentions Princeton – 30 second wall sit
14. Every time Kaitlyn makes a corny joke – Scissor-kick for 20 seconds
15. Any time Kaitlyn raps - 45 second wall sit
BONUS: You made it all the way through without groaning audibly? Pour yourself a glass of wine. Oh wait, you DID groan audibly and realize how silly this show is? Pour yourself TWO glasses. You've burned enough calories for a Monday!
What you’ll need:
- A Yoga Ball – You could use an ottoman if you don’t have a yoga ball, just be careful!
- 5-10 lb weights
- Enough space in front of your TV so that you won’t kick anything over
- Probably DVR, depending on how many times these likely scenarios unfold.
(Don’t have weights on hand for workouts #3 and #4? Bottles of wine could do the trick.)
#2: Stir the Pot
Kneel in front of a yoga ball with your forearms and elbows on the ball, hands together. Roll the ball forward until you’re in plank position. Your shoulders should be in line with your elbows, chest lifted off the ball.
Keep your core tight and make small circles to the right and then to your left with your forearms, as if stirring a pot.
#3: Squats to Overhead Press
Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, with a weight in each hand. Bend your arms so the weights are shoulder height. Go into a squat and pause. Next, in one motion, stand up, pressing weights over your head. Return to your starting position.
#4: Single-Leg Dumbell Row
Holding a weight in your left hand, lean forward slowly, while lifting your right leg in the air behind you, until your body is parallel to the floor. Hold that position, feel free to stand next to a chair for balance if necessary. Row by extending your arm out and pulling it in until it’s even with your torso. Repeat this arm movement while staying in the parallel position, then switch arms and legs after 10 reps.
#7: Curtsy Lunge
Stand with feet hip-width apart, with your hands on your hips. Take a giant step diagonally back with left foot and cross it behind your right; while bending your knees like a curtsy. While bending, reach your left hand toward the outside of your right foot. Do ten on each side. If this isn’t hard for you, add weight!
Not sure what the other workouts are, click the names below:
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