7 Quick Ways to Boost Your Happiness.
Some days are just blah days, you can blame the weather, too many sad songs, or certain circumstance that is out of your control, but no one is happy all the time. If you have started to notice that the blah days are out numbering the happy ones, or you just want to get out of the funk you are in after reviewing your budget for the 100th time and realizing that you can’t quit your job and travel the world.
Try one or all seven of these quit happiness boost tips and you will be feeling happier in no time.
- Do a good deed. Good deeds don’t need to be big, simply putting a quarter in some strangers meter, bringing coffee to your stressed out co-worker, or even contributing a few dollars to your favorite Kickstarter project can help to boost your happiness.
- Flip through some old photos. In this smart phone era you can pretty much do this one anywhere at any time. You have all those pictures you took this weekend of your dog making friends at the park, why not relieve the day and browse through them. Just by remembering the happy times you increase your present happiness. Plus who can resist those puppy dog eyes?
- Go Outside Stepping outside for a quick walk around the building will not only get your out of the office, but getting into the light can help give you the happiness boost you need.
- Smile. You have heard the expression “Fake it until you make it.” Just by using the facial muscles it takes to smile (even a fake one) can fake the mind and body into feeling happier. Enough faking it and all of sudden you really are happier.
- Keep Track. Those who keep mindful track of those things that make them happier feel happier. Even reading other people happy moments can increase your own happiness. So pop on over to Happier.com jot down your own happy experience and read about others happiness.
- Plan a trip. Ok so you realized you can’t quit just yet and travel the world, but you can still plan that trip. Do the research find hotels, places you want to visit. The anticipation of taking a trip actually increases happiness more than the trip itself. Since you are just planning think of the all the fun you can have, money is no object kind of fun.
- Exercise. So you knew this one had to get snuck in. Taking that walk around the building and making it a brisk walk you get a bigger release of those feel-good endorphins. Just fitting in a quick 7 minutes can ward off feelings of depression and increase you happiness.
While these seven are quick ways to boost happiness but frequent use of these tools, plus getting enough sleep, hanging out with family and friends and the use of meditation/prayer/yoga will keep you feeling happier even on those blah kind of days.
Need some more ideas on how to be happier? Check out this Huffington Post article with a helpful visual graph of great things to do to boost happiness.
What is your favorite way to boost your happiness or get yourself out of a funk?