Do You “Practice” Workouts?
Lifehacker recently posted “Practice” Workouts for Long-Lasting Attitude to Fitness” The gist of the article is that people approach yoga as a lifelong activity without specific goals therefore taking the stress of “getting it right or perfect” away from the whole process.
The question is what is what if you decided to practice workouts instead of doing them to reach a specific goal? Sure losing weight, getting healthy, training for that race is important, but what if you just went into the gym with the idea that this is a lifelong relationship and not something you pass or fail. Would you enjoy it more, do it more?
You always hear that being healthy is a lifestyle change not a quick fix so it would seem practicing workouts or practicing eating healthy is the perfect answer. Not only are you telling your brain this is something that you will be dealing with your whole life, when you pick Happy Hour over a work out, have a bad run, or eat that second piece of cake you will know that it is just one day in a lifelong process. Helping you from falling off the wagon completely or feeling like because of one bad choice you have to start from ground zero.
What do you think? Do you already approach working out and eating healthy this way? If you are practicing working out or eating healthy does it make the slow process of losing weight easier?