Shed Unwanted Holiday Pounds

Tis' the season to consume The holiday season can be a time of serious over-indulgence, as people engage in parties and family feasting. Large meals, hot drinks, and sweets dominate the intake landscape and suddenly people find that they have packed on a few more pounds than they intended.

Time to think about the future

When the season reaches its end, people start to think about working off a few pounds. The trouble is that taking off weight is much harder than putting it on. In addition, the weather is still dark and cold in some areas of the country, which makes it all the more tempting to curl up with a hot beverage and wait until Spring. Therefore, here are a few tips on how to shed those holiday pounds and make it work.

Be honest

People have some good intentions when it comes to losing weight, but oftentimes they break their goals and resolutions. What is most important is that people have to decide if they are going to serious about this. Otherwise, they are just wasting their time and setting themselves up for another disappointment.

Have a plan

Shedding pounds is often about having a plan. This means that a person should write down what they are going to do on a daily basis. They can use a spreadsheet, an awesome personal trainer or any number of free software packages that are available online, such as A plan helps to solidify what the person wants to accomplish. Simply saying, "lose a few pounds" is not specific enough and it can easily be discarded as a goal.

Realistic goals

Granted, people have to start small and work their way up. For example, many experts suggest that people should work out 30 minutes a day. Some people have to start with 10-15 minutes and then work their way up. Again, it is important to have a plan as to when they will increase their workout. Otherwise, they might stick with a 10 minute workout forever and convince themselves that they are making a difference.

Cut the intake

Of course, working out is only one part of the equation. People must also cut back on their intake, particularly if they got into some bad habits over the holidays. This means putting away the sweets, hiding the snacks, and increasing intake of healthy substitutions. Again, writing down a plan can be effective and people often find that keeping a food journal is a good way to remain aware of how many little things they consume throughout the day. Sometimes it may be best to just clean out the fridge and cupboard and throw everything away, rather than keep lots of temptation in the house.

Find something fun to do

Finally, shedding some pounds is often about finding a fitness activity that is enjoyable. That means people should seek out a workout partner, sign up for a fitness class, or join a sports league. Losing weight can be a very lonely activity and people often find that they have more success if they work in community with others.

Get to it!

Overall, shedding holiday pounds is possible, but people have to be willing to change their lifestyle. Weight loss and fitness are about changing whole life patterns, not just inserting quick fixes. Also, losing weight has to start today. It cannot start tomorrow, this weekend, next week, or when the new year starts. As the old joke goes, "Procrastinators of the world unite … tomorrow!" Don't put off to tomorrow what should be started right now. If you procrastinate today, you may procrastinate tomorrow and the cycle will continue indefinitely.
