Stretches for the Work Day
Whether you stretch before your workout, after your workout, or both you definitely need to make sure that stretching is part of your workout routine. Stretching helps to keep your muscles flexible and keep yourself from getting injured. Stretching can also help to improve circulation and relieve stress, all great perks for as little as 5 minutes a day. Here are a few stretches that can be done after work to help battle the effects of just sitting at your desk all day.
Ready, Set, Stretch—
o Downward Dog (increase flexibility in calves, hamstrings, shoulders.)
- From standing keeping back straight, hinge forward at waist placing your hands on the floor. Have fingers facing forward and spread apart. (If you need to bend your knees)
- Step back with both feet until you are in a plank position. You hands should be beneath your shoulders.
- Lift hips to the sky until you are in an inverted “V”.
- Press chest toward your knees while pressing your toes and heels toward the floor. Keep eyes on toes or looking between your legs.
o Low Lunge (opens chest, stretches hips and quadriceps)
- From Downward Dog move one foot forward between your hands making sure you knee is directly over your ankle.
- Roll your shoulders down and back press chest forward.
- Keep eyes forward.
- Keep back leg straight while pressing heel toward the ground.
- Relax hips down toward the ground.
- After holding move right foot back, so you are again in Downward Dog, repeat on left side.
o Cross-Legged Standing Fold (Stretches Hamstrings, IT Band)
- Standing cross right leg over your left leg. Press down evenly on both feet.
- Inhale lengthen spin and hinge forward while exhaling
- Bring belly as close to your thighs as is comfortable for you (listen to your body)
- Let arms and head just hang. Bend knees if you are feeling the stretch in the back of your knees.
- Return to standing and repeat on other side.
o Tip Over Tuck (Stretches Chest, Shoulders, and Hamstrings)
- Stand with feet hip distance apart. Draw abs toward your spine.
- Bring your arms behind you and clasp hands below your pelvis.
- Lean your chest forward, lifting your hands over your head.
- You can modify this stretch to only focus on your Shoulders and Chest by bending your knees. Straighten out your legs will engage your Hamstrings and lower back.
- Slowly lift your torso back to the standing position when done.
o Butterfly (Flexibility in Hips and Lower Back)
- Sitting on the ground bend both knees and bring your feet together in front of you.
- Use your hands to open your feet like a book, while using your muscles to press your knees to the floor.
- Keeping a straight spine by drawing your belly button towards your spine. Slowly bend forward drawing your torso towards your legs.
- For more of a stretch extend your arms out in front of you.
These basic moves can be held for as long or as short as you desire, but try for a least five breathes for each move moving deeper into the poses with each exhale. As with any fitness changes, make sure you check with your doctor before starting any new routines. And remember as with anything in life the more you do it the better you will become, so keep at it even if for the first few weeks you can’t even touch your toes.