Tampa Ab Workout Challenge

Are you tired of the same old crunches and sit-ups? Are you just sick of those old school 8 Minute Ab videos? We don’t blame you, we’d be in the same boat if that was our ab routine. That’s the problem with those approaches though, they are routine. Now, getting into a routine is a good thing, but with build your abdominal muscles, you need variety! It's time for an ab workout CHALLENGE. More important than switching up your routine is working different area of your core. To have the best abs possible, you need to work your upper abdominal muscles, lower abdominal muscles and also your sides. We’ve put together three days worth of abs so you can work all the areas that are crucial to getting 6-pack abs, without getting bored of the same exercises.

ab workouts

DAY 1 - 3 sets of 30:

  • Plank & Twerk: Start in a plank position. Jump your feet out to shoulder-width apart and then jump together, that is 2 reps. Remember to keep your core strong, relax your shoulders and keep your butt down so you aren’t putting too much pressure on your lower back. If you feel like you might be twerking, you’re doing it right. This may feel silly, but your abs will thank you later.
  • Picycle: Start in a pike position. Bring your right knee across your body to your opposite elbow then switch. The key is to keep moving. Do 15 reps on each side, switching sides each time.
  • Plank & Twist: Get back in your plank position. Twist your body to the right, letting your right hip touch the ground, then swing your body over to the left, so your left hip is touching the ground. Don’t linger on the ground and be sure to make an arch while you twist, no cheating! Touch each hip to the ground 15 times.


DAY 2 - 3 sets of 30 with a Yoga Ball:

  • Playing Toss To Yourself: Lie on your back and hold a yoga ball in your hands with your arms stretched out over your head. Bring your body into a v-up and pass the ball from your hands to your feet, then lower back down. Pass the ball to yourself 15 times. If this isn’t tough enough, try a weighted medicine ball!
  • Planking in a Circle: This is harder than it looks. Get into a plank position with your forearms resting on the top of the yoga ball. For 30 seconds, use your forearms to make little circles to the left and then to the right with the ball, while remaining stable and keeping your core tight. Be careful not to fall off!
  • Make Ya Knees Touch Ya Elbows: You will need a smaller yoga ball for this exercise. Lean back onto the ball with your feet on the ground and your knees at a 90 degree angle. Put your left hand behind your head and use your right hand to brace yourself on the ground. Bring your right knee in and make contact with your left elbow, then lean back into the original position. Do this 15 times on each side.


DAY 3 - 3 sets of 30:

  • Human Pogo Stick: You might feel like you’re a human pogo stick with this move, but it works. Laying on your back, lift your legs into the air, keeping them together. Keeping you hands on the ground at your side for balance, lift your hips into the air. Be sure to get your butt off the ground! Do this for 30 seconds.
  • Scissor Time: Kinda like Hammer Time, but better for your abs. Lie down on the ground and keep your hands on the ground at your side. Lift your legs into a little split scissor kick. Scissor-kick for 30 seconds. You’ll feel this in your lower abs for sure.
  • Walk The Side Plank ARGH: You’ve done the normal plank, but have you tried the side plank? It’s great for your obliques. Start on your right side, using your right forearm and right foot to support your body. Lift yourself into a plank with your feet staggered. Hold for 30 seconds. Want to challenge yourself? Pulse your left leg up and down. Do this for 30 seconds on each side.


Hope you enjoyed our humorous workout names, we thought they were just ab-dorable. Want to have even more fun? Switch up your tunes after each round to another upbeat song to keep you moving. We tried: