10 Tricks for Cutting Calories During the Holidays
Halloween is in the past, Thanksgiving is around the corner and from there is it is a quick slide down to Christmas and New Years. With that slide down are all the temptations of yummy holiday traditions and packed schedules. While it seems like all you can do to keep yourself together, get meals (regular and holiday) planned, and shopping for all the of things/gifts you need this time of year. You may be tempted to put making healthy choices and working out on the back burner until you can once again make it a New Years Resolution for 2015.
But making good choices and getting in some workout does not have to wait until the end of all the holiday madness. Here are 10 tricks to keep you from completely falling off the healthy and happy bandwagon. Follow these tips and who knows you may have to think of a whole new Years Resolution for 2015.
- Trim back on the trimmings. When cooking from scratch try and use healthier substitutes (low fat milk instead of whole). With some slight changes you can keep all of the taste of the your favorite dish, but cut down a bit on the calories.
- Be a food snob: It seems that once the holidays start there is food, sweets, and crazy cocktails everywhere. It maybe tempting to try a bit of everything even if you could take or leave a certain treat. Don’t eat it, if you don’t LOVE it. Not a fan of eggnog? Don’t have one, enjoy a lower calorie drink and eat an extra thumbprint cookie because those are your absolute favorite.
- DO NOT skip meals. Skipping a meal in anticipation for a big meal is a recipe for overeating. Eat as your normally would, on days of anticipated big and not so healthy meals make your meals and snacks healthier. This will get you mind and body in a good place for making healthy choices so that you will make better choices and not gorge yourself at the holiday meal or party.
- Portion size: Make sure that at every meal to keep your portion size reasonable. No one needs half a plate of mash potatoes
- Limit Variety- at a party or event with a buffet? Limit yourself to two items per plate. You can venture back to the buffet as many times as you like but always only choose two items.
- Use smaller plates: Same buffet use the smallest plate provided by the host. It will help you to keep your portion sizes small, but trick your mind into thinking you have eaten more.
- Salads and vegetables in the first few plates filling up on healthier choices saving room for the good stuff but keeping it at a smaller portion.
- Drink Water. When you arrive at a party enjoy a glass of flat or sparkling water before you enjoy in a cocktail. After each cocktail have a glass of water before you have another cocktail. Drinking water through out the days insures that you will not be dehydrated which can be misinterpreted by your body thinking it is hungry.
- Keep your exercise routine. You have worked on making exercise a habit all year now is not the time to stop. You may have more on your plate than normal, but you still keep your standing important meeting with exercise. It will help to burn off those extra holiday calories and reduce your holiday stress.
- Make sure that you are getting plenty of sleep. People who are lacking in sleep will crave sweet and high carb food, make worse decision, and well let’s be frank are just plain ol’ cranky. You may not be able to get your full 6-8 hours of sleep a night, but shoot for that most nights.
With these simple tricks you can keep those few extra holiday pounds from sneaking up on you and help you keep your sanity during the crazy holiday season.
What tricks do you use to keep a handle on your calorie intake during the holidays? Other than making appointments with your favorite Tampa personal trainer, of course!