Top 7 Reasons To Do Bodyweight Exercises

  Anytime anywhere

Hate heading to the gym on perfect days to be outdoors, missing workouts because you have to travel all the time, or you just need an exercise that you can fit in whenever and wherever you are in your day or maybe even in your life. Look no further than bodyweight exercises.

Here are 7 reasons that Bodyweight exercises are a great way to get into shape:

  • Efficient: Bodyweight exercises allow you to combine cardio and strength sessions in one workout. By just adding in a quick bodyweight cardio session (think one minute of burpees or jumping jacks) in-between strengthen exercises you not only encourage muscle and strength development but also increase your heart rate. And because there is no equipment involved it makes it easier to transition from one exercise to the next saving you time.
  • Convenient: Since you are not a slave to a piece or pieces of equipment other than your own body, bodyweight exercises can be done anywhere at any time and for any length of time. Only got 15 minutes before your kids wake up to get in your workout? A quick bodyweight exercise is the best way to wake up and get your workout in for the day.
  • Cheap: For the same reasons as why body exercises are convenient it also makes them cheap to do. No gym fees, no equipment, and no special classes.
  • One Exercise to Rule them All: The nerd reference aside, body exercises are great for everyone They are easily modified for any fitness level. You can increase then number of reps, perform the exercise faster or slower, you can modify certain exercises to make them harder, for example take a basic squat up the challenge by making it an one legged squat.
  • Improve core strength: Body exercises work not just your abs but engage all 29 of your core muscles improving not just your abs but also your overall core strength. Added perk it has been proven that an increase in your core strength will translate into improved strength for the whole body.
  • Increased flexibility and better balance: When you complete a bodyweight exercise you are working through a full range of motion which helps to ensure that joints are moving freely. Yoga being the most well known body exercise uses moves that increase your flexibility and balance, but balance can also be improved by many of the one legged versions of many body weight exercises (one legged squats for example).
  • Bored, I think not! With so many different versions of exercises, so many different places you can do body weight exercises there is just no time to get bored. One day you do 15 minutes in your bedroom before work, the next workout you are with a group on the park lawn in the bright sunshine and fresh air, next time you are in a yoga studio (or home) exercising your body and relaxing your mind.


Body weight exercises are perfect for everyone, whether you just need something to fill in on the days you can’t make it to the gym or if you just need a cheap convenient easy way to get yourself back into the exercise habit.   Plus with the added benefit of being able to do them almost anywhere you have no more excuses for not getting a work out in, a hotel room will work just as well at a kids playground for getting in a workout.   No more excuses get out there and burpee, mountain climb(er) or just squat your way to a stronger and healthier you.