Aqua Workouts: Yay or Nay?

119966261 It’s hot, it’s humid, and you need to work out but all you feel like doing in floating around in the pool.  Why not use the cool water for a workout?  Pool workout now stylishly called Aqua Aerobics are not just for the elderly.  Working out in the pool can help almost everyone.

Aqua aerobics are a good way to get a work out in but stay cool in hot environments.  They are also good ways for those who are recovering from injuries or trying to find something with a low-impact on joints and bones to add to a workout routine.

While working out in the water provides a low-impact environment you can simulate many of the activities you would do on dry land i.e.: running, biking, walking.  Which is great if you are recovering from an injury, just starting to work out, or have weak knees, ankles, or arthritis.   Aerobics in the water is another way to get good full bodywork out.  If you choose to go with out a flotation belt you will be using your body and cardiovascular system. But even with a belt you will be able to work your total body without aggravating injuries or jarring tender joints.

Working out in the water is also a good option for those who are a bit shy about working out in a group, even in a class because you spend most of the time with your body under the water no one can see you so you can focus on the actual move and not worry about others judging your style.  Great for beginners or those who have a hard time moving your hands and feet to a rhythm, you know who you are.

Aqua aerobics are a great way to work out with low-impact, stay cool, and help you to keep your fitness level up while recovering from an injury there are a few drawbacks.  First (and most obvious) you have to have access to a pool, easier for some than others, but the best would be an indoor pool so that you could still work out even when weather is not quite pool weather.

Water workouts are a low-impact activity, which means that it is not a great way to build muscle or strengthen bones.  It also will burn fewer calories than the same activity on land.  Some of this can be avoided by using water weights, but on land is still the best way to increase muscle mass and bone strength.

Aqua aerobics may not bulk up your muscles the way working out in the gym or on land will, it is a good way to add some diversity to your workouts.  It also gives your body a rest from all the impact of on land activities while helping to increase your overall fitness. Plus the best part is on even the really hot days you can work out but stay cool all at the same time.  Why not sign up for a class or download a work out and try it out, you may have just found the best way to work out in dog days of summer.
