Simple Ways to Be Healthier

  Getting healthy or losing weight sounds like a huge goal, but it is a goal that will only make your life better.  Instead of taking on the whole goal at once why not start with making smaller things that will over time add up to the one big goal of weight loss or just being a healthier human.

Here are some simple tips that will help you take small steps to your big goal.


  • Toss out the Junk Food.  If you want to force yourself to make healthier food choices don’t give yourself an option to not eat healthy.  Throw out the junk food at both home and your office and replace it with a healthier choice.
  • Cook in bulk.  One of the hardest parts of eating healthy is that at the end of a long day the last thing you want to do is try to figure out what to have for dinner.  Why not take one day and cook for the whole week so that all you have to do is reheat something.  This makes portion control easier if you store them as single servings and keeps you from snacking while you cook. Plus reheating is easier than ordering out, right?
  • Socialize in a healthier way.  Play dates aren’t just for kids; sure drinks out with the girls/guys sounds like fun, but why not meet up at the local park and walk and talk instead of drink and talk.  You can catch up and work out at the same time.  Walking not for you why not try new things each week with your friends, hike one week, Zumba the next etc. You and your friends may try out things you would never do alone, but with the help of the group you get to explore healthy and fun activities.
  • Sleep:  Make sure you are getting enough rest. Being exhausted makes you mentally foggy, but will also impact your will power, choices in food, and how you handle stress.  Make sure you are getting enough sleep for your body; 7-9 hours of sleep are usually good numbers for most.
  • Drink more water!  The healthiest choice you can make when it comes to drinks is water, but the next is tea.  Try to keep the majority of your beverage consumption to water and tea (unsweeted), this way you are sure to not be drinking your calories.
  • Diet before exercise.  While diet and exercise together provide the best results choosing healthier food items is a bit easier and less of a commitment than an exercise.
  • Eat like a kid: Kids love things they can eat with their hands, and most junk food i.e. cookies, brownies, candy, fit this category. However, there are “finger food” healthy options i.e. carrot sticks, celery sticks, nuts, cherry tomatoes, berries and grapes are few examples.  Stock up on those at your desk and your fridge at home. Making it easier to


Being healthy is a lifestyle choice and not one that you can achieve over night.  Making small but constant changes are the easiest way to get yourself and your family to a healthy place.  By making simple and small healthy choices every day you set yourself up for success.
