4 Easy Ways To Sneak Exercise In During the Holidays
You have a lot going on Thursday getting the turkey in the oven (or fryer) making sure you have everyone “must haves” for dinner and let’s not forget the family and friends that will be descending on your home. Where is that vacuum and duster? With all that going on you may just decide that there isn’t any time to exercise. Well you would be wrong, there are few sneaky and fun ways to get in a bit of exercise helping to reduce your stress level and burning a few of those calories you are destined to eat. (These tips work even if you are letting someone else do all the hard work)
Tip #1
Do a 10-minute work out the second you get out of bed. Not only will it get in a bit of exercise before all the chaos, exercise is a great way to get the ol’ blood flowing in the morning. Need ideas? Ask you trainer for a 10-minute workout or search YouTube or Pinterest for simple and quick ideas. If you are a truly hardcore (or inspired) why not try 10 minute of burpees. Everyone loves burpees right?
Tip #2
Take on some chores. No one likes chores but on the big day there is plenty to be done even if you are not the one hosting the big dinner. Offer to walk the dog, rake leaves, or shovel snow before the guests arrive. If you are the one dolling out the chores in favor of cooking why not do some squats while you stir? Calf raises as you mash the potatoes.
Tip #3
While everything is cooking why not get the family together and play a game of flag football or soccer. Sneak in some exercise and family bonding in one fell swoop. Don’t want to venture outside or not really a football family? Why not have the family participate in an interactive (active being the key word) video game. Dance Party anyone? Who doesn’t want to see grandma dancing to Brittany Spears?
Tip #4
After dinner is done and the dishes are washed (or soaking yep they are soaking) why not grab the party and head out for a nice walk around the neighborhood. There have been some studies that walking after dinner is more effective in reducing the risk of Type 2 diabetes. There are still some controversies in this claim, but there are still many benefits to going for a short 15min walk after eating. Not the least bit in that you will feel a bit less stuffed afterwards than if you plop down in front of the TV.
It may seem like a daunting task, but sneaking in some exercise on Thanksgiving isn’t all that hard it can even be fun. Of course if you can get a full work out in the morning you will be leaps and bounds above most, and who doesn’t like to hear: “Wow you worked out today? You are awesome?” But if a full work out is out of the questions hopefully these four tips will help you get in a few minutes of activity and maybe lower your Thanksgiving Day stress.